Learn more about the study design, goals, and opportunities for collaboration.
The CATERS Project
The CATERS Project, which stands for Community Centered Approach to Enhance Cancer Genetics Referral Strategies, is a 3-phase research study that seeks to:
- Develop culturally appropriate cancer genetics outreach materials, family history collection tools, and strategies for cancer genetics study recruitment and Genetic Counseling & Risk Assessment (GCRA).
- Utilize family history tools to identify individuals who could benefit from cancer genetic services or participate in cancer genetic research.
- Promote more diverse participation in cancer research through creating new opportunities and pathways for engagement.
3 Research Project AIMs
About the Community Café Model
The Community Café Model is a core component of our approach, designed to foster open, respectful, and inclusive bidirectional dialogues within the community. These sessions allow community members to share their experiences, provide feedback, and actively participate in shaping the research process while also learning about cancer genetics research and testing through formal presentations.
Current Partnerships and Collaborations:
Currently, we’re collaborating with Health Literacy Media to develop the CHW Genetics trainings content, tools, and curriculum shaped by the community and CHW priorities as defined during the community cafe portion of this study.
We’ve also worked to identify and develop collaborations with a variety of CHW coalitions and interest groups at multiple levels. This includes but is not limited to the Integrated Health Network, Community Health Worker Heal Table, NCAP, etc.). Sharing common priorities for CHW capacity building, we’ve been able to engage these groups and gain valuable feedback on preferences for these trainings and feasibility of current plans, adjusting along the way.
Do you see future collaboration opportunities?
We are actively seeking partnerships with community organizations, healthcare providers, and researchers to enhance the impact of our study.
If you are interested in our work and have ideas for collaboration, please contact us to learn more about the opportunities and pathways for engagement.
Want to learn more?
We’d love to answer your questions.